Sunday, January 13, 2008

snapping fingers, snapping toes

Every 3 or 4 days the big toes on my feet get tight and by bending them, they sort of snap. I feel better and my toes relax. This morning as I was laying in bed, snuggling with my 5 year old daughter, I snapped my toes. Sophie sat up and the first words she spoke were, "Did you clap?" I said no, that my toes snapped. Sophie started crying and said, "I can't even snap my fingers yet and you can snap your fingers AND toes."


greens said...

very cute. thanks for sharing!

Diane Wood Sponheim said...

Wendy, I'm so glad you're blogging! Yeah! Thank you for this sweet little story. Can't believe Sophie's fIVE! (Luke will be on Thursday ...)

Anonymous said...

Wendy gave us a nice profile of herself, but she left off one important detail. Wendy failed to mention that she is a collector of fine art and has an enormous collection of eclectic art that should be viewed if you ever get to town.