Thursday, January 24, 2008

in transit

Do you ever think about being "in transit"? I recently had a conversation with someone about this topic. We sure are busy people. I know I have commitments most evenings after work and feel like I spend more time in transit than I want. Going from point A t0 B and back home again. We are also in transit spiritually. We are only on this planet a short time. It is so evident when a child is around. She grows so fast and I see that each moment is one to cherish as it is gone in a blink of an eye. In my head too always thinking about this and that and other things. Between work obligations, grad courses, Sophie's activities, scheduling all of the events, my head just spins. Fortunately, God understands in transit and has a plan for us. We will be home soon, Jesus. I figure it is better to have "IN TRANSIT" posted on my backside than "WIDE LOAD"!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jesus Shaves

A wonderful new cd (at least new to me) from the group the Roches. The CD is titled Moonswept. Two songs really caught my attention from the beginning

1. No Shoes, a witty song about how we are never satisfied with what we have. Lyric includes:

I had no shoes and I complained until I met a man who had no feet,
that's really beat.

I had no feet and I complained until I met a man who had no knees,
that's his disease.

It goes on like this for 4:11.

2. Jesus Shaves. A story about Jesus living the corporate american dream until he was laid off, (grows his beard back) and went to tech school to become a welder. The refrain goes like this:

Blessed are the ones who make peace;
Blessed are the ones who scrape by;
Blessed are the ones livin' holy lives;
and here's to those of us who try.

Wit and wisdom if I ever heard it!

snapping fingers, snapping toes

Every 3 or 4 days the big toes on my feet get tight and by bending them, they sort of snap. I feel better and my toes relax. This morning as I was laying in bed, snuggling with my 5 year old daughter, I snapped my toes. Sophie sat up and the first words she spoke were, "Did you clap?" I said no, that my toes snapped. Sophie started crying and said, "I can't even snap my fingers yet and you can snap your fingers AND toes."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Poem

Having just endured a cold with a lot of yucky stuff, a friend told me this poem to make me smile. Here it is for you:

Last week you told us you had a heart attack
This week it was appendicitis
Why don't you do us all a favor
give your self layrngitis.