I was given the honor of assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion this morning. I take that role really seriously. I stood there, holding the chalice, and saying the words,"THIS IS THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, SHED FOR YOU!"
It's a big deal, don't you think. THIS ... the cup of wine, grape juice, koolaid, whatever; IS ...most definitely, without doubt; THE BLOOD OF CHRIST... the blood of Christ (wow!); SHED... pierced, stabbed, poked, whipped, hung, given in love; FOR YOU... me, you, my friend, my enemy, my child, my spouse, my colleague, my partners in worship.
What should our response be? To walk away with our head bowed reverently? Maybe. To say, "Amen"? Maybe. To say, "Thank you"? Maybe. To whoop and holler and say YIPPEE! That's more like it.
At camp we used to squeel Whoo Hoo! I hope I live that way. And not just the few Sundays a month we celebrate the sacrament on a formal level.